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Dr. Athanasios Drougkas


Dr. Athanasios Drougkas is a Cybersecurity Expert at ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity. His domains of activity in ENISA currently include the Cybersecurity Policy Observatory, NIS investments, cybersecurity in the Maritime and Health sectors and Cyber Insurance. In the past he has held various positions within the ICT industry, including Project Management, Presales, R&D and Technical Consulting. Dr. Drougkas holds a BSc./MSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the National Technical University of Athens.

"Cybersecurity investments and good practices for cyber risk management in critical infrastructure" The presentation will cover ENISA's activities and recent publications in various critical sectors (e.g. Health, Maritime, Rail etc.), as well as the key findings of ENISA’s NIS investment report which takes stock of how operators in critical sectors invest their cybersecurity budgets and how these budgets have been influenced by the NIS Directive.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786727 
The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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