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Innov-Acts Limited Cyprus


Innovation Acts Ltd (Innov-Acts) is a Cyprus-based company, established in 2016 ( Innovation Acts Ltd. is a unique ICT and business consulting firm, a highly skilled and trustful business partner that helps its customers excel in the era of globalization, technology acceleration and climate change. It offers (among others) software development and business consulting services linked to IoT, BigData/AI and Cyber-Security technologies, including business modelling, business planning and techno-economic analysis services.

Innov-Acts is the partner of choice for projects that incorporate a high degree of technical challenge and therefore require high expertise and innovative approach. The company builds on the experience of world class experts, ICT and business consultants, who have a rich track record of providing services for very demanding projects worldwide. The company will thus offer the customer clear insights about leading edge and emerging ICT technologies (in the areas of Cloud Computing, Internet-of-Things, BigData, CyberSecurity). Innov-Acts really transforms innovation into increased competitiveness and concrete performance gains. The company may successfully take up all the phases of a project’s lifecycle (study-design-implementation-operation). 

The services of the company span consulting, project management and software development for different sectors.

Since 1995, the key members of the Innov-Acts team have been actively and successfully involved in more than two hundred projects for different clients in Europe, USA and Canada.

Role in the project:

In FINSEC, Innov-Acts will support the definition of requirements in terms of specific use cases for financial sector security from cyber-physical threats. In the framework design, Innov-Acts contributes to the system architecture and design, as well as in the specification of the collaborative environment of the project. It will participate in the technical and business validation activities of the FINSEC platform, with a focus on cost-benefit analysis of the FINSEC pilot deployments. The company will take part in the specification and implementation of the FINSEC market platform in WP7. It will support testing and training activities. Finally it will lead the standardization activities, including the participation in the works of the TC CYBER established by ETSI to develop a Technical Specification for Critical Infrastructures.

Country: Cyprus


Acronym: INNOV


This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786727 
The content reflects only the authors’ views, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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