HDI Assicurazioni SpA - Company of the Grup Talanx International AG
HDI Assicurazioni is one of the major Italian insurance company, born in 2001 after the merger between BNC Assicurazioni and Mannheim. The company is part of the Talanx Group since 1997, when the Group acquired 71,68% of the equity stake belonging to the former BNC Assicurazioni.
Talanx is Germany’s third-largest and one of the major European insurance groups by premium income.
The Hannover-based Group is active in some 150 countries. Talanx operates as a multi-brand provider with a focus on B2B insurance. The rating agency Standard & Poor’s has given the Talanx Primary Group a financial strength rating of A+/stable (strong) and the Hannover Re Group one of AA–/ stable (very strong).
Talanx AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the MDAX.
The Group operates in Italy through three entities:
• HDI Assicurazioni (based in Rome)
• Gerling (based in Milan)
• Hannover re (based in Milan)
HDI Assicurazioni ‘s mission is to “create its offer towards specific and defined customer segments in order to meet customer needs appealing to interpersonal skills , trust and technical expertise”.
This mission is the natural consequence of the Company’s distinctive feature, represented by its niche aptitude, also supported by its tradition, as well as by the expertise of its staff and sales networks, always looking at distinctive customer segments, among which employees and retirees of the Italian Railways Company are considered very important.
Market positioning:
• A medium-sized Company, belonging to a big international group
• A Company specialized in the Multichannel networking
• A Company designed to efficiently focus on targeted market segments and offer competitive
products and continued and efficient consulting services
Role in the project:
HDI will contribute in FINSEC by implementing the Insurance Sector demonstratort of the project.
Consequently, HDI will actively contribute towards the definition of the business cases of FINSEC.