FINSEC Reference Architecture I
Last updated on:
March 27, 2019 at 9:00:19 AM
Responsible partner:
The present document shows the first part of work done within FINSEC project to design and build a suitable Reference Architecture (RA) for the cyber and physical security platform to secure the Infrastructure of organizations in the Financial Sector.
The work on Reference Architecture has been conducted as a team work that involved all Consortium beneficiaries. The work is also a continuous and incremental process and the present deliverable is a stable snapshot of the status of the RA at the date of submission. An updated version of this deliverable will be produced at month 18 of the project, taking into account all the improvements and due verifications over the period. Nonetheless, the actual RA fulfills the project milestone M2 fully specifying the RA of the FINSEC platform.
The FINSEC partners have selected a methodology to work on the RA, identifying it in the “4+1” architectural view model, which is presented in the document. The methodology is based on five different views, from which the structure of the system can be analyzed (logical view, process view, development view, physical view and scenarios). Moreover, it is demonstrated that all the functionalities of FINSEC environment are properly covered by this model.
The State of the Art analysis conducted underlined that some already existing Reference Architectures can give suitable input to FINSEC, such as the horizontal overlaying of RA over physical and cyber assets to be protected, and the use of Big Data infrastructures to support the functionalities of the platforms. Relevant inputs to the task have been considered, in particular the input coming from use-cases considered in task T2.1 and a cross reference matrix. Finally, a multi-layer and high level reference view and a detailed logical view of the RA are presented. In particular, three main tiers have been structured (edge tier, data tier and service tier), containing the building blocks to perform the core services. The resulting RA ensures full communication and interaction between all the building blocks, from the lowest level (the field, communicating with the RA through probes) up to the application and visualization layers. Along with the edge and presentation tiers, the identified building blocks provide the functionalities of the FINSEC platform for a more general class of use cases.
The feasibility of the proposed logical view has been proved by a complete mapping between the RA building blocks and the project use cases, whose functionalities will be assessed during WP6 activities.